CUPRA, J.A. Bayona and ESCAC take one more step to boost the creative talent of the next generation of filmmakers

18.07.24 - School,

The Dream Makers, the initiative launched by CUPRA in collaboration with J.A. Bayona and ESCAC in search of the next generation of great storytellers, enters a new phase with the announcement of the finalists of the “Short Film Contest”. The 6 selected projects have been announced at CASA SEAT by the jury of the initiative in an event in which the details of the second contest have also been revealed: the “Film Studies Contest”.

The Dream Makers: Short Film Contest

The distinguished jury, composed of CUPRA CEO Wayne Griffiths; Oscar-nominated film director J.A. Bayona; acclaimed Hollywood actor and Oscar-nominated Daniel Brühl; ESCAC development director Aintza Serra; and Sitges Film Festival director Ángel Sala, has selected six projects based on their original audacity, vision and approach.

Audacious dreamers

Young film talents from around the world have participated in the “Short Film Contest”. In total, 241 projects were presented by participants between 20 and 31 years old from 15 different countries, such as Spain, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Mexico, Argentina, the United States, Canada, Chile and Peru, among others. The 6 finalists, who impressed the jury for their creativity and innovative narrative approach, were the following:

  • 400 Gramos, de John Esteban Araque (30), Colombia/España
        Marco, a 16-year-old boy, faces a great challenge in the Taekwondo national championship. It exceeds the weight limit of its category by 400 grams and, despite extreme measures such as                  days  without food and a significant weight reduction, success seems almost impossible. This story sheds light on the difficulties faced by athletes and how they have to adapt their lifestyle to            be able to compete in official tournaments.
  • El Ritual, de Manuel Antonio Escalante (29), México

The struggle to deal with the death of a loved one is the main theme of this story that combines tension and drama to show how pain can lead people to make unexpected decisions: performing a mysterious ritual that promises to facilitate communication with the dead through a door. However, there is one crucial rule: it must never open this door, or terrible consequences could arise.

  • Homing, de Hansel Rodrigues (25) i Lizzie Atherton (27), Reino Unido

On the south coast of England, the morning of a family is interrupted by a stranger. A man is in his garden. His pants are wet and he seems lost. Do you need help or is it a threat? And more importantly, what are they doing now? This story asks us how we would act in the face of the drama of immigration.

  • Señuelo, de Martha García (24), España

Family traditions must not always be followed, as shown in this proposal that combines drama and tension where, during a day of hunting to start it in adulthood, Martín has to face the wrath of his father and the threat of a strange presence.

  • Solon 2079, per Alejandro Moreno (24), España

What is the limit of Artificial Intelligence? This proposal shows us a possible future scenario in which innovation may have gone too far: an honest detective must question his morality in order to fight for an increasingly ambiguous truth.

  • Volver y empezar, de Daniel Omaña (24), España

In a challenging narrative, the protagonist has to deal with the resolution of a mystery by navigating through two different realities: the world of dreams and real life. Álvaro wakes up in a hospital bed without remembering anything about what happened. His family tells him that he suffered a escalating fall, but through his dreams, he experiences visions that do not coincide with the official version. Among them, a woman who can’t reveal her identity.

Before announcing the winner of the “Short Film Contest”, the jury will hold mentoring sessions with the finalists. These sessions will serve as the basis for the final decision, and will jointly deliberate over the coming months to select the winner. The announcement of the winner will take place during the Sitges Film Festival 2024, which will be held in Sitges from October 3 to 13. The winning filmmaker will see his project produced and will have the opportunity to make an impact on the film industry.

One step further: The Dream Makers: Film Studies Contest

The event has also served to announce the details of the second “The Dream Makers” competition, the “Film Studies Contest”, which invites filmmakers between 17 and 21 years old to present a short film on specific topics.

The jury – the same as for the “Short Film Contest”- will pre-select 5 projects and, later, select the winner, which will be announced by ESCAC in December 2024. The winner of the “Film Studies Contest” will receive a full scholarship of 4 years to develop his film talent at ESCAC, together with a monthly scholarship that will cover the basic expenses of maintenance throughout the duration of the studies.

Participants will be able to present their projects through the ESCAC website between October and November 2024. To participate, filmmakers must create a short film based on three words selected by CUPRA, J.A. Bayona and ESCAC. These key words will be revealed during the Sitges Film Festival, which will be held from October 3 to 13. CUPRA, J.A. Bayona and ESCAC offer this narrow time to encourage participants to exploit their creativity and produce innovative work with a limited time frame.

The presentation requirements include a short film (maximum 8 minutes), the candidate’s CV, a 600-word exhibition, a 5-photographic presentation and a video pitch (maximum 3 minutes). All the information about the competition will be available at the beginning of October 2024 on the ESCAC website:

Let’s go!

