Education / Bachelor's Degree
Education / Bachelor's Degree

Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking

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Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking

Presentation Objectives and competences Access, pre-registration and enrolment Scholarships Timetable Syllabus Teaching plans Teaching Staff Student support Final Degree Project - TFG Internships Quality system Application for the diploma FAQ More information
Program details
Branch of knowledge: Arts and humanities
Field: Film and Audiovisuals
Modality: On-site, face-to-face sessions
Teaching language: Catalan, Spanish
Credits: 240 ECTS
Head of Studies: Jaume Macià
Coordinator: Laura Diego
Cut-off marks: 5 (7,022) (July 2021, start of process, via PAU and FP)
Indicative price per credit: 18,46€ (academic year 2023-2024)


ESCAC’s 240-credit, four-year Bachelor’s Degree in Cinematography offers an official university education (University of Barcelona) in line with the new European standards. The degree is pending approval by the Council of Universities.

With its own methodology based on 5 axes (learning by doing, challenge-based learning, project-based work, author-spectator and academic learning), students will learn the technique and narrative of filmmaking in order to be able to apply it to any audiovisual medium.

From the third year onwards and through optional subjects, students specialise in one of the eight disciplines taught at the school: Production, Directing, Cinematography, Art Direction, Screenwriting, Editing, Sound). In the fourth year, students develop their specialisation through the TFGs.


Until the 2022-2023 academic year, ESCAC has offered the 180-credit, three-year Bachelor’s Degree in Cinematography, which was positively verified by the Council of Universities on 11 July 2017. The last graduating class of this degree will complete their studies in the academic year 2024-2025. See the academic information of this degree in extinction.

Objectives and competences

Objectives of the degree

To provide students with the ability to express themselves through audiovisual language thanks to the mastery of its narrative mechanisms, as well as to provide them with the knowledge and skills to know and be able to creatively exercise their different professions (production, screenwriting, direction, art direction, photography direction, editing and sound), having a solid knowledge in the field of film studies that will allow them to analyse and evaluate all types of audiovisual discourse.

  • In the field of production, they will be provided with the mastery of the techniques and mechanisms of audiovisual production, throughout the processes of ideation, development and exploitation of audiovisual works.
  • In screenwriting, they will be trained to be able to devise, develop and write scripts for audiovisual works of different characteristics.
  • In directing, they will be provided with the knowledge and skills to carry out the planning, production and supervision of all types of audiovisual productions.
  • In art direction, they will be taught to conceive, design and develop the space, costumes and props for an audiovisual work.
  • Photography directors will be trained to conceive, design and materialise the lighting, chromatic and general visual treatment of an audiovisual work.
  • In editing, they will learn how to structure, manage and properly treat the audiovisual material of a production by mastering the resources and strategies of editing and post-production.
  • In sound, they will be provided with a command of the techniques and mechanisms for carrying out the processes involved in the recording, design and sound post-production of an audiovisual work.

Learning outcomes

    • At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyse a film text from a personal, critical and creative point of view, thanks to the mastery of the basic parameters of iconographic and narrative analysis of audiovisual pieces.
    • Recognise concepts related to the historical and socio-cultural context in which cinema and audiovisuals have developed in different stages.
    • Articulate a theoretical discourse on the latest cinematographic and audiovisual trends that are being developed at the present time.
    • Situate cinematographic and audiovisual creation in the historical evolution of visual culture.
    • Evaluate the use of montage as a narrative and expressive element in film creation.
    • Evaluate the use of sound and musical elements in an audiovisual work taking into account its expressive and communicative values.
    • Evaluate the expressive and narrative resources of the direction of photography in an audiovisual work.
    • Relate plots and characters of modern audiovisual works with mythological and literary sources
    • Place the most relevant works and authors of documentary film in their historical context, recognising the importance that this has had as a means of creation in the formation of the codes of contemporary audiovisual works, both fiction and non-fiction.
    • At the end of the course, the student will be able to generate research work based on the consultation of bibliographical sources and the viewing of audiovisual material.
    • Devise, develop and write scripts for audiovisual works of different characteristics, formats and genres.
    • Apply the techniques and mechanisms of the production of audiovisual works for decision-making throughout the processes of ideation, development and exploitation.
    • Carry out the processes related to the conception, design and development of the space, costumes and props involved in the production of an audiovisual work, adapting them to the narrative needs of the story and the character.
    • Apply the mechanisms of audiovisual language to the production of film stories, both fiction and non-fiction.
    • Carry out, in a creative way and thanks to the mastery of the necessary technical elements, the processes involved in the design, recording and post-production of the sound of an audiovisual work.
    • Carry out the processes related to the structuring, management and treatment of the audiovisual material shot through the mastery of the resources, strategies and technical elements of editing and post-production.
    • Carry out the planning, realisation and supervision of an audiovisual production, both fiction and documentary, applying the techniques and mechanisms of the direction of audiovisual works.
    • Creatively apply knowledge of photographic language and technique to the use of analogue and digital cameras.
    • Carry out the processes related to the conception, design and materialisation of the lighting, chromatic and visual treatment in general within the framework of an audiovisual work.
    • Communicate with actors when directing them and use the stage space as a means of expression in the staging of a dramatic work.
    • At the end of the learning process, the student will be able to put into context the unequal position of men and women in the professional sphere, in order to seek solutions that allow for progress in equality, both in the most creative and technical areas.
    • Demonstrate maturity and analytical rigour in the development of the self-assessment process of the work developed both on a personal level and by the team as a whole.
    • Autonomously apply research methodologies and skills to create filmic texts in higher level studies.
    • Know and be able to apply the requirements for a film shoot to be sustainable and respectful of the environment.
    • Behave in accordance with the ethical principles of the profession, with no room for ideological discrimination leading to the offence or undermining of individuals.
    • Demonstrate creative and enterprising capacity, to formulate, design and manage projects and to seek and integrate new knowledge and attitudes.
    • Work autonomously, make decisions and adapt to new situations.

Access, pre-registration and enrolment

General information on pre-registration and admission

Depending on your previous studies, there are different ways to access the UB’s bachelor’s degree courses. This information, which is constantly updated, can be consulted at: Admission to UB bachelor’s degree courses.

    • In the case of access from the university entrance exams (PAU) or from a higher level training cycle (CFGS), you should visit the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya where there are permanently updated, the specifics for access through these routes: Access and admission.

In order to access the first year of a university course at any of the seven public universities in Catalonia, students who have completed the PAU, vocational training courses and the exam for students over 25 years of age must complete university pre-enrolment. We recommend that you visit the website of the Generalitat de Catalunya where you will find permanently updated information on university pre-enrolment: University pre-enrolment.

Specific information on access corresponding to the Degree in Filmmaking

The assessment of the values and abilities required of prospective students will be carried out through a Personal Aptitude Test (PAP), the passing of which will be necessary to gain access to the Degree in Cinematography. The elements that make up the PAP are:

  • the portfolio,
  • a video pitch and
  • a practical test of audiovisual creation.

Candidates will deliver their portfolio and videopitch on the established dates. The audiovisual creation test will take place on a specific day and on the basis of certain premises.

The dates of the PAP will be established each academic year in accordance with the indications of the University Admissions Office. The result of the PAP will be pass or fail.

See calendar and specifics of access to the Degree for the academic year 2023-2024.

Transfer regulations

ESCAC is governed by UB transfer regulations.

Registration period and procedure

Enrolment takes place once places have been allocated by the University Access Office and during the month of July. The centre will contact each student to give them the date and time of enrolment.

Welcome sessions

  • The ESCAC carries out different actions to inform prospective students beforehand.
    • Open Days.
    • Presence at the Saló de l’Ensenyament.
    • Presence at Unitour, University Orientation Fair.
    • Personal interviews and visits to the school to anyone who requests them.
    • Presence of school staff at secondary education centres on request.
    • Support to high school students in carrying out their research work by school staff.
    • Talks and workshops on filmmaking for groups of secondary school students at the school’s facilities.
    • Summer courses for secondary and high school students.
    • Summer course for secondary school teachers.


Every academic year, the ESCAC offers ordinary scholarships for training for the Degree in Cinematography, on a competitive basis.

See the specificities and the calendar of the 2023-2024 call for scholarships.

In addition, the student can also apply for:


Teaching and evaluation calendar academic year 2022-2023

First semester: 12/09/22 to 03/02/23
Second semester: 13/02/23 to 30/06/23

Continuous assessment
First semester: 12/09/22 to 3/2/23
Second semester: 13/02/23 to 30/06/23

Single assessment
First semester: 09/01/23 to 03/02/23
Second semester: 01/06/23 to 30/06/23

First semester: 26/06/23 to 7/07/23
Second semester: 10/07/23 to 20/07/23

Calendar of holidays and public holidays academic year 22-23

Public holidays: 12 October, 31 October, 1 November, 6 and 8 December 2022, 1 May 2023 and 1 May 2023
2022, 1 May 2023

Christmas Holidays: 26 December 2022 to 8 January 2023

Easter holidays: from 3 to 10 April 2023


Title of degree course: Degree in Filmmaking

Degree in passing the Bachelor’s Degree: Graduate in Filmmaking from the Universitat de Barcelona

Minimum duration of studies and ECTS credits: Four academic years and 240 ECTS credits

Syllabus Degree in Filmmaking

Teaching Staff

  • Maria Adell
    • PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the UPF. Professor of several subjects on film history and Spanish film history at ESCAC and UB. Researcher on female film stars of Franco’s regime and on contemporary Spanish actresses and filmmakers.
  • Yago Alcover
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC (2007), specialising in Documentary. Member of the pedagogy department and coordinator of the undergraduate studies at ESCAC. Since 2019, member of the creative film collective CraterLab. He has collaborated in the magazines Contrapicado, Mondo Sonoro and Rockdelux. As a musician and editor, he has published more than a dozen references in Spain, France and the Netherlands. Author of the documentary pieces Loop Film and Si a el menos recuerdo el olor a tú ceniza.
  • Carlos Alonso
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC (2012). Author of the short films Hogar, hogar (2013) and Pequeña silenciosa (2016). Co-author of the collective feature film Los inocentes (2013), in charge of video content at ESCAC. Director of the feature film Share, in development.
  • Jordi Bransuela
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC (1998). Director of photography for Hijo de Caín (Jesús Monllaó, 2012), La rosa de fuego (Manel Huerga, 2012) and numerous projects shot in 3D. Colourist for the TV series Merlí and the feature films La corona partida (Jordi Frades, 2016) and La vida libre (Marc Recha, 2017).
  • Diego Calderón
    • Graduate in modern music; Master’s degree in Music as an Interdisciplinary Art; Master’s degree in University Teaching; Doctor in Art History; Doctor in Educational Technology. Author of more than 60 articles in indexed journals. Author of 4 books and nearly 20 book chapters. His main lines of research revolve around sound and music and their implication with different arts.
  • Christian Checa
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Studies from the ESCAC (2006); Degree in Philosophy from the UB (2009); Master in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies from the UPF (2009), and PhD in Social Communication from the UPF (2016). Lecturer in Film Studies and Thought and Creation for the Degree in Cinematography. Author of the book No trespassing. From the bodies of cinema to contemporary conspiracy.
  • Geoffrey Cowper
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC, specialising in directing. Director of the short film Caracoles and the feature film Tercero grado, as well as numerous video clips and commercials.
  • Jaume Duran
    • PhD in Audiovisual Communication with the thesis Narrativa audiovisual y cine de animación por ordenador. The feature films of Mear Animation Studios; BA in Philology; BA in Linguistics; DEA in Art History. Film lecturer at the UB, the URL, the ENTI and the ESCAC. Author of La muerte en el cine. 50 films about death.
  • Virginia García de Pino
    • Graduate in Fine Arts and Master in Creative Documentary by the UAB. Lecturer at ESCAC and UAB. Film director and visual artist. Author, among others, of the feature film La 10ª carta (2014) and the short film Improvisaciones de una ardilla (2017), winner of the award for best documentary short film at the Malaga Film Festival.
  • Roger Guaus
    • Technical Telecommunications Engineer specialising in Image and Sound from the URL (1994), Higher Telecommunications Engineer specialising in Communications from the UPC (2000), Master’s Degree in Digital Television from the URL (2002).
  • Josep Gustems
    • PhD in Pedagogy; advanced degree in Music; degree in Cultural Anthropology. Professor of Didactics of Musical Expression at the UB and director of the Department.
  • Daniel Jariod
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisuals from ESCAC, specialising in Documentary. As a filmmaker, he has directed Imparables (2013), Jazz, What a Wonderful World (2010) and Con música lo escuchías todo mejor (2009). He teaches at ESCAC, ECIB and UB. At the same time, he has programmed the DocsBarcelona (2007-2019) and Memorimage (2014-2019) festivals.
  • Carlos Losilla
    • Graduate in Philosophy and Arts from the UAB (1984). PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the UPF (2010). Essayist and lecturer at the UPF and ESCAC. Member of the editorial board of the magazines Caimán Cuadernos de Cine and La Furia Umana. His books include En busca de Ulrich Seidl (2003), La invención de Hollywood (2005), EWl sitio de Viena (2007), La invención de la modernidad (2013), Zona de sombra (2014), Raoul Walsh (2020).
  • Jaume Macià
    • PhD in Pedagogy with the thesis Structural models for writing short film scripts (2014). Graduate in Catalan Philology from the UB. Director of Studies at ESCAC and teacher of several subjects in the scriptwriting department since the 1994-95 academic year.
  • Joan Marimón Padrosa
    • Graduate in Art History from the UB. Film producer, manager of Marimon Padrosa SL (Mar & Mi Producciones). Scriptwriter and director. Author of the books El montaje cinematográfico and Diccionario incompleto del guion audiovisual.
  • José Enrique Monterde
    • PhD in Art History. Lecturer in Art Theory and Film History at the UB and ESCAC. Film critic and author of numerous books and articles on film.
  • Xavier Parache
    • Graduate in International Business and Marketing from ESCI, a centre affiliated to the UPF. Master’s Degree in Financial and Accounting Management from UPF. Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa. Partner/Owner of Gate Media, an independent consultancy firm that has worked for multiple film and audiovisual production, distribution and exhibition companies.
  • Marta Rodríguez
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC, specialising in production. Producer of the feature film The Girl from the Song. Co-creator of N.E.S.A., where she specialises in telling stories in different formats and exploring the narrative potential of immersive experiences and XR technology.
  • Sergi Sánchez
    • PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the UPF. Lecturer at ESCAC and UPF. Film critic for Fotogramas and La Razón. Contributor to several publications specialising in film and author of books such as Hacia una imagen no-tiempo: Deleuze y el cine contemporáneo.
  • Vanesa Sola
    • Graduate in Art History from the Universitat de València. Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC, specialising in Cinematography. Director of photography for the feature film Mí querida cofradía and several short films, commercials and video clips.
  • Nina Solà
    • Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media from ESCAC, specialising in documentary (2014). Director of the documentaries Cartes al meu fill, El temps després de la pluja and La passió segons Pep Amores. Co-founder of the artistic collective Mambo Project and director of the play La fiesta.
  • Adriana Vila
    • PhD in Anthropology from the UB. Filmmaker, artist and anthropologist dedicated to teaching and to the cinematographic creation of single-channel pieces, installations and filmic performances. Co-founder of the analogue film laboratory Crater-Lab.
  • Gerard Vila
    • Graduate in film and audiovisuals from ESCAC, specialising in editing. Master’s degree in Opera Prima, specialising in editing. Editor of feature films such as The Girl from the Song (Ibai Abad, 2017) and Y’viene Always Wanted tone Direct (Steve Jacobs, 2020).

Student support

Learning resources

    • Theoretical classrooms equipped with audiovisual projection equipment: Classroom 1.1: 102.48 m2, 95 places. Classroom 1.2: 75.41 m2, 65 places. Classroom 1.3: 75,41 m2, 65 places. Classroom 1.4: 102,48 m2, 105 places. Classroom 1.5: 61,64 m2, 30 places. Classroom 1.6: 52,79 m2, 30 places. Classroom 1.7: 50,86 m2, 30 places. Classroom 2.2: 39,13 m2, 12 places. Classroom 2.3: 40,97 m2, 12 places. Classroom 2.4: 38,16 m2, 12 places. Classroom 2.5: 44,92 m2, 12 places. Classroom 2.6: 41,77 m2, 30 places. Classroom 1: 65,90 m2, 30 places. Classroom 2: 73.31 m2, 30 places.
    • Computer rooms: Classroom 1.8: 42,01 m2, 13 computers. Classroom 1.9: 74,38 m2, 30 computers. Classroom 2.1: 39,76 m2, 13 computers. Classroom 3: 67,93 m2, 30 computers. Classroom 4: 67,93 m2, 13 computers. Classroom 5: 67,94 m2, 13 computers. Classroom 6: 65,90 m2, 30 computers.
    • Computer programs: Avid, Final Cut, Adobe Suite, Davinci Resolve, Movie Magic Scheduling, Movie Magic Budgeting, Autocad, Compressor, Cinema Tools, Autodesk Maya 2017, Arnold Render, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Nuke X, Mari, Hierro, 3D equalizer, HOUDINI 15, UvLayout, Adobe flash, Zbrush 4 v 7, Mocha pro, Nuke Studio, Deadline 6, PF track, Ftrack, Mudbox, Reial Flow, Shave & Hirecut, Dragon frame.
    • Drawing room: 80 m2 and 25 drawing tables.
    • Photography laboratory: 34 m2, 10 universal format enlargers, 3 medium format enlargers.
    • Special equipment: Stage 1: 258,63 m2. Stage 2: 111.63 m2. Protools 1 editing room: 15 m2 (1 table). Protools 2 editing room: 14 m2 (1 table). Protools 3 editing room: 51.09 m2 (1 table). 5.1 / 7.1 mixing room: 51 m2 (1 table). Voice-over room: 12 m2. Assembly and viewing room 1: 10 m2. Room for editing and viewing 2: 10 m2. Colourimetry room: 20 m2. Lighting equipment store: 300 m2, with more than 100,000 watts of light (incandescent, fluorescent, HDMI, LED). Direct sound recording equipment: Sound Devices, Tascam, Sensheisser, etc.
  • MEDIATECA OF 125M2 AMB 40 seats and 8 computers.

Tutorial action plan

    • Welcoming, integrating and orienting first-year students. Provide curricular guidance to first, second and third year students. Provide guidance on professional and academic opportunities for fourth-year students.
    • The person responsible for the coordination of the tutor group is the degree coordinator, who is in charge of energising the tutor team, participating in the formulation of the tutorial action programmes and providing the resources and action strategies for the tutors to carry out their functions.
    • Tutors inform students about ESCAC and its teaching and help them adapt to the new study environment, guide them in curricular aspects, intervene in their training, optimise their curricular itinerary, complement their training with other activities and provide them with professional guidance.


Final Degree Project - TFG

There are two types of Final Degree Project: collective and individual.

The collective TFG is an audiovisual work created by groups of students, each of whom acts as team leader in one of the technical and creative tasks or functions that have formed part of their learning, depending on their interests and aptitudes and the elective taken. The positions held by the students in the working groups will be: screenwriter, producer, director, art director, director of photography, editor and sound designer.
The TFGs are complete audiovisual productions (generally short films) that are developed in all their phases: pre-production, production and post-production, using the material and facilities of the centre, and under the supervision of the school’s production company, Escac Films. Each student is tutored in a way that is specific to the profession he or she is involved in the creation of the audiovisual work.

The centre has a TFG Committee, the members of which are appointed by the Board of the Centre, which has the following functions:

  • Drawing up the TFG teaching plan.
  • To determine the conditions under which the TFG must be carried out: equipment, timetable, financial endowment and other aspects related to its production.
  • Approve the project dossiers presented by the students.
  • To award each student a team leader position in one of the approved projects.
  • To assign a tutor to each student enrolled in the course.
  • Plan and schedule the conditions under which the public defence of the TFG will take place.
  • Any other function that may be assigned by the Board of the Centre.

The individual TFG is a research project, a study or report that involves an exercise that integrates the training received throughout the degree. It involves students applying the knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences acquired throughout the degree. The work can be presented in two different modalities:

1) written work on one of the subjects on the programme;
2) an audiovisual piece that develops any subject of the programme, accompanied by a report.

The TFG proposals submitted by students will be evaluated by the TFG Commission. Once accepted, the Commission will assign each student a tutor. The tutor is responsible for the guidance and supervision of the TFG. The appointment as tutor will initially entail the task of helping the student to define the TFG proposal that will have to be approved by the TFG Committee.

Subsequently, the tutor’s guidance and supervision will be directed to:

  • Delimitation of the subject and definition of the objectives.
  • Drawing up the work plan.
  • Documentary and methodological guidance.
  • Monitoring the development of the work.
  • Drawing conclusions.
  • Provision of guidelines for the defence.
  • Assessment of the process developed and the results obtained.
  • The evaluation system is part of the teaching plan of the subject.

It is the responsibility of the TFG Committee:

  • To determine the timetable and the procedure for the submission of the TFG.
  • Determine the conditions for the defence, which must be public and oral.
  • Appoint the tribunals that will have to assess the TFG, which will be made up of three lecturers, one of whom may be the one who has acted as tutor.


The external internships are professional internship activities in companies and public institutions that the students of the centre carry out during their university training. Students will carry out functions related to their learning in companies in the audiovisual sector, mainly audiovisual production companies, with which the centre has collaboration agreements.
The work placement coordinator is in charge of reviewing and updating the agreements, incorporating new centres, monitoring the development of the work placement projects in each entity and collecting the evaluation made by the centre.
The academic tutor is in charge of informing the student about the characteristics of the work placement and monitoring the activity, meeting periodically to assess the development.
The professional tutor is in charge of guiding and training the student at the work centre during the work placement period. He/she also draws up an assessment of how the student has developed his/her skills, attitudes and knowledge during the work placement.
At the end of the work placement, the student submits a report.

Quality system

The quality system of the centre takes as a reference the standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area developed by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA) and adopted by the European Ministers of Education in Bergen (2005), follows the guidelines established by the quality agencies Agency for the Quality of the University System of Catalonia (AQU Catalonia), the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA) and the Agency for the Quality of University Studies of Galicia (AGSUG) in the AUDIT programme and meets the requirements of the regulations established in the official university education regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The centre’s quality system integrates all the activities related to the quality assurance of the bachelor’s and master’s degrees and deploys the Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIQU) as the instrument to be used both in the design phase of the courses and in the continuous monitoring of these to ensure the achievement of the objectives associated with the training, their modification, if necessary, and their accreditation (VSMA).

Read more about the Quality System

Application for the diploma

This procedure is exclusively for graduates who have already completed their academic transcript and passed all the necessary credits.

  1. Access the specific URL for the degree you wish to apply for and pay the corresponding degree fee (amount established by the University Fees Decree for the current academic year).
    Application for the Degree and SET of Graduate in Cinema and Audiovisual Media (official degree) – academic year from 2009/2010 onwards
    Application for the Degree of Graduate in Film and Audiovisual Media (official degree) – academic year from 1994 to 2013
  2. Fill in the application form (document to download at the bottom of this page), sign it and send it scanned by email to
  3. The student must submit to the Academic Secretary: (can be sent online)
    Degree application form
    Proof of payment
    Copy of identity document (DNI/NIE/Passport)

At this point, we will be able to issue the student with the certificate of completion and process its issuance.

Contact: Mercè Colomer

Application for an official diploma

Application for a specific diploma


Frequently asked questions about Access

  • From which baccalaureate can I access?
    • From any of them. You can consult the 2022-2023 weightings in the access section.
  • From which Higher Level Training Cycles (CFGS) can I access?
    • From any of them. It is always better if you come from any audiovisual-related cycle (Image and Sound, Production, etc.), as it can give you a good basis for our studies.
  • Can I access from an Intermediate Level Training Cycle (CFGM)?
    • No. The CFGM gives you access to a CFGS, from which you can go on to a Bachelor’s Degree.
  • What do I need to access the Degree in Filmmaking?
    • You need to pass our Personal Aptitude Test and have the required cut-off mark for this year according to your entry route.
  • What is the cut-off mark?
    • The cut-off mark is the lowest grade with which you can gain admission to the degree through the process of allocating places (university pre-enrolment). It will depend on the ratio between the supply of places and the demand for applicants and there is no pre-established minimum mark, but the last student admitted sets the cut-off mark. In the access section you will find the indicators with the cut-off marks of the last years as well as the subjects that are weighted for the mark. Tip: if you come from baccalaureate or CFGS, take the specific subjects of the selectividad in order to get the highest possible mark.
  • What were the latest cut-off marks?
    • 2014-2015 7,91; 2015-2016 6,5; 2016-2017 6,45; 2017-2018 7,333; 2018-2019 9,264; 2019-2020 9,762; 2020-2021 9,650; 2021-2022 9,442
  • How does University Pre-registration work?
    • You can find all the information about the university pre-enrolment process on the Canal Universitat.
  • When will I know if I have a place in the Degree?
    • If you have passed the PAP and you have done all the University Pre-registration and payment procedures correctly, you will only have to wait for the University Admissions Office to assign you a place in our Degree (according to the cut-off mark). The first allocation of places will be made during the second week of July (dates to be determined).
  • If I am finally allocated a place, what do I have to do?
    • We will contact you via email to give you all the information about the enrolment process.
  • What if I pass the PAP but am not allocated a place?
    • If you have the required cut-off mark and the non-assignment of a place is due to some incidence of documentation/access route, etc. we recommend that you contact the University Admissions Office to make the relevant claim in order to be able to enter the following reassignments in July/August/September. If you do not have the required cut-off mark for this year, you will have to try to get a higher mark for the following year or wait for the mark to be lower. You can take the opportunity to enter ESCAC now by taking the FOUNDATION course, which will allow you, apart from acquiring knowledge that will surely be a plus to your training, to get to know in depth how the school works and to access the ESCAC community by participating and helping in projects of Degree courses. In addition, we will help you to prepare specific subjects for the selectivity exam so that you can increase your grade for the next year.
  • If I have already started a university course, can I recognise some credits/subjects?
    • Yes, at the time of enrolment you can apply for the recognition of credits at the Academic Secretary’s Office of the centre.
      If you have started a degree within the same branch of knowledge as our degree (Arts and Humanities) you must recognise a minimum of 27 credits of Basic Training directly.
      If the degree you have started belongs to another branch of knowledge you can request the recognition study of those subjects of basic training of our degree that you consider that coincide in contents and competences. The director of studies of the centre will make the corresponding evaluation and issue a resolution in this regard. The minimum number of 27 credits to be recognised must be maintained. The subjects that are recognised will be awarded the same mark that you had in your old transcript.
  • If I come from a CFGS, can I recognise some credits/subjects?
    • For the Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking we do not have any correspondence between the subjects of the Training Cycle and the subjects of the degree. In any case, if you consider that there is a subject that coincides in terms of competences and content, you can request a recognition study from the Academic Secretary’s Office at the time of enrolment so that the Director of Studies can assess the case. If the decision is positive, you will be awarded a 6 (AP) in the recognised subject.

Frequently asked questions about payment systems and discounts

  • Is there a fee for the Personal Aptitude Test (PAP)?
    • Yes, when you do the University Pre-registration through the University Access Portal, the last step is to make the payment that gives you the right to take the exam. Remember that without the payment we will not be able to evaluate you and therefore, you will lose all options to access the degree. It costs approximately €95 and you can pay online directly through the portal once you have completed the pre-enrolment process.
  • What is the price of credit?
    • Every year at the beginning of July, the Generalitat publishes the Decree of Fees which determines the price of the university credit and other university fees for the next academic year. For information purposes, the price of the credit for the academic year 2021/2022 was €21.46.
  • How is the tuition fee broken down?
    • One part FOUNDATION, one part CREDITS and one part ENROLMENT COSTS.
      Example of a broken down amount: ordinary enrolment fee = 11.350 €, CREDITS = 1.287,60 €, ENROLMENT FEES = 69,80 €, FOUNDATION = 9.992,60 € *.
      (*)INCLUDES: School accident insurance during the academic year / Civil Liability Insurance / Fees paid to the UB for specific services and learning support services / Amount allocated to the full development of studies (facilities, teaching staff, materials, etc.).
  • Does the Foundation provide tax relief?
    • By paying tuition fees you are not making a donation but paying for a service, so it is not tax-deductible.
  • I have a university degree, do I have to pay the same?
    • No. According to the Generalitat’s Fees Decree, the price of the credit is subject to a surcharge of 40%. If we take as an example the price of last year’s credit, instead of paying €21.46, you would pay €30.04 for the credit. That would mean an extra €500 approx. in enrolment fees.
  • I am a large family, do I get a discount?
    • Yes, you will receive a discount on the price of the credit and the registration fees, depending on the category of large family you are:
      GENERAL LARGE FAMILY: 50% discount (about 600 € approximate prices 20/21).
      SPECIAL LARGE FAMILY: Full discount (approx. €1,300, prices 20/21)
  • If I am a single parent, do I get a discount?
    • According to the Fees Decree of 21/22, no.
  • If I got an honours degree in the baccalaureate, do I get a discount?
    • Yes, you will get a full discount on the credit part.
  • If I have a recognised disability of 33%, do I get a discount, and if I belong to a special group (victims of gender violence, victims of terrorism, etc.)?
    • You will also receive a full discount on the credit part plus tuition fees.
  • Can I pay my tuition fees in instalments?
    • No, the payment to the school is LUMP-SUM PAYMENT. You can seek financing from a bank. ESCAC has an agreement with BBVA. More information in the scholarships section.
  • When do I have to pay?
    • From the day on which the enrolment is formalised, students have 15 days to make the payment. Enrolments for the 1st year must be paid before 31 July, and those for the other courses (2nd and 3rd) must be paid in September.
  • Do I have to pay the registration fee even if I have applied for the General Scholarship of the Ministerio?
    • Yes, the payment of the registration fee is not conditional on whether or not the General Scholarship is awarded.
  • Is the price of the ordinary credit the same as the recognised credit?
    • No, the price of the recognised credit, according to the Generalitat’s Fees Decree, is 20% of the price of the ordinary credit. During 2020/2021 for example, the price of the ordinary credit was 21.46 € and the price of the recognised credit was therefore 4.29 €.
  • When can I apply for the General Scholarship of the Ministerio de Educación?
    • From 30 to 12 May 2022.
  • Are there other scholarships I can apply for?
    • Yes, internal scholarships, UB collaboration scholarships, etc. More information in the ‘Scholarships’ section


For any clarifications, queries or doubts, please contact the Academic Secretary’s Office:

Marta Figueras
937 361 555 ext. 104

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