SAVE THE DATE: Online sessions for Masters and courses at ESCAC

14.06.24 - School,

It’s almost here!

Online sessions for Masters and courses at ESCAC.

Master in Documentary

In order to share your doubts, debate and learn more about the world of documentary, we have prepared a Presentation Day of the Master in online format with the director of the Master Fèlix Colomer and Alba Sotorra.

The event will be on June 18 at 6pm and you can register through this link.

VFX Supervisor

This exclusive event will be attended by a luxury guest, Jahirul Amin, a renowned international expert in the training of top-level professionals in the field of visual effects.

Jahirul will share his vast experience and knowledge in a talk entitled “The importance of VFX supervision in the creative process of filmmaking“. This will be a unique opportunity to better understand how VFX supervision plays a crucial role in contemporary cinematography and how it can shape your future career.

The event will be on June 20 at 6pm and you can register through this link.

Màster en Muntatge

The presentation will be directed by our coordinator, Christian Checa and will have the student Antonio Gómez-Pan as a special guest.

This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the course, ask questions and get a deeper view of what you can expect from your time in ESCAC.

The event will be on June 27 at 6pm and you can register through this link.

The Sound School

We invite you to the presentation day of the course The Sound School, which will be directed by the director of the Sound area of ESCAC, Marc Bech and by Yasmina Praderas, who was awarded the Goya for the Best Sound for the work in ‘As Bestas’ by Rodrigo Sorgoyen.

This will be an excellent opportunity to learn more about the course, ask questions and get a deeper view of what you can expect from your time at ESCAC.

In addition, you will be able to attend a talk about how the multi-awarded film ‘As Bestas’ was made. A unique opportunity to obtain an internal vision of the creation of the sound and soundtrack of a successful film and learn from the professionals who made it possible.

The event will be on July 2 at 6pm and you can register through this link.

¡We’re waiting for you!

