Audiovisual Narrative Practice I (Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking)

Learning outcomes Thematic blocks Methodology and training activities Accredited assessment of learning Sources of basic information Back to the Bachelor
Program details
Subject: Audiovisual Narrative Practice I
Code: 366991
Credits: 6
On-site activities: 50 hours
Directed work : 50 hours
Self-employed work: 50 hours

Learning outcomes

  1. Apply the mechanisms of audiovisual language in the production of film stories, both fiction and non-fiction.
  2. Carry out the planning, realisation and supervision of an audiovisual production, both fiction and documentary, applying the techniques and mechanisms of the direction of audiovisual works.
  3. Demonstrate maturity and analytical rigour in the development of the self-evauating process of the work developed, both on a personal level and for the team as a whole.
  4. Know and be able to apply the requirements for a filming to be sustainable and respectful of the environment.
  5. Behave according to the ethical principles of the profession, with no room for ideological discrimination leading to offence or contempt for people.
  6. Demonstrate creative and enterprising capacity, to formulate, design and manage projects and to seek and integrate new knowledge and attitudes.
  7. Work autonomously, make decisions and adapt to new situations.

Thematic blocks

  1. Introduction to fiction directing.
  2. Composition
  3. Types of framing
  4. Rule of thirds
  5. The axis
  6. Frame within the frame
  7. Symbology
  8. Presentation of characters
  9. Focal varieties and their influence on cinematographic storytelling
  10. The point of view
  11. The use of voice-over
  12. Main character, objective and conflict
  13. Intention: how to state a message and convey it cinematographically
  14. Tone
  15. Genre

Methodology and training activities

Training activities:

  1. Theoretical-practical face-to-face classes
  2. Tutored work
  3. Independent work

Teaching methodologies:

  1. Project development: idea, design, planning, execution and evaluation of audiovisual projects.
  2. Expository classes in which one or more students orally present a previously prepared topic or work to the rest of the group.
  3. Group work: developing different roles, students collaborate to carry out audiovisual projects.

Accredited assessment of learning

Audiovisual narrative projects.

Sources of basic information

LANDAU, N. 101 Cosas que aprendí en la escuela de cine. ABADA.  

LAVANDIER, I (2001). La dramaturgia. Barcelona: Alba Editorial. (La dramaturgie. Le clown et l’enfant, Paris, 1994).  

LUMET, S.  Así se hacen las películas. RIALP (1999). 

ROBERT EDGAR-HUNT; JOHN MARLAND, JAMES RICHARDS (2014). Bases del cine: Guion. Barcelona: Parramón Paidotribo. (AVA Publishing, UK 2009). 


TIRARD, L. Lecciones de cine. Paidós (2003). 

TIRARD, L. Más lecciones de cine. Paidós (2008). 

TRUFFAUT, F. El cine según Hitchcock. Varias editoriales. (1966). 

