Section 1 by Eloy Fernández Porta
This section of the course has been conceived as a dynamic and interactive introduction to the main axes of 21st century cultural criticism. The conceptual repertoire includes diverse criteria from aesthetics and gender studies, presented with a sociological and biopolitical approach. We will approach the space of contemporary criticism as a space of importation, reconfiguration and assemblage of active and participatory practices that take place in neighbouring territories of culture. These are concerns that we will examine throughout the 30 hours of this section.
Section 2 by Jordi Costa
The second section of the course focuses on the case study of Counterculture as an interweaving of cultural dissidences that outlined the possibility of a transformative, vital, disordered and non-programmatic utopia, which ended up being neutralised through various strategies. Tentacular and multiform, the Counterculture poses stimulating challenges in the field of cultural studies due to its ungraspable and ephemeral condition, which, nevertheless, left a trace in different fields that invites us to wonder about its subterranean survival and its potential for reactivation.
Section 1
General competences
Specific competences
Section 2
Counterculture seems by definition to reject any univocal, ordered and programmatic approach. The content of the subject proposes one of the many possible routes and therefore tries to stimulate in the student the possibility of outlining other networks and paths. The aim is to form critical subjects capable of proposing new nodes, tracing other origins and finding new latencies of the countercultural among the cultures and subcultures of the strict present.
Section 1
The distinctive features of this section of the course require a special emphasis on the development of vocabulary terms, as well as discussion and dialogue activities. These activities are divided into: a) The colloquia, which will be organised by means of an initial presentation by a group of students, and a round of questions predefined by the teacher. b) The oral presentation of the group work which will be done individually, so that the contribution of each member can be specifically evaluated.
As regards the group work, it will be coordinated by the teacher, from the initial proposal to the final result, including development proposals, recommended bibliography and case studies.
Section 2
Lectures complemented by the projection of audiovisual material, analysis of texts and dialogues with possible guests. Each session will stimulate debate and the exchange of ideas, encouraging possible connections between the subject matter and other cultural realities and phenomena not covered in the syllabus.
Section 1
Section 2
Section 1
ALIAGA, Juan Vicente (2008) Orden fálico, Madrid: Akal.
BOCCIONI, Umberto (2004) Estética y arte futuristas, Barcelona: Acantilado.
BOURRIAUD, Nicolas (2006) Estética relacional (trad. Cecilia Beceyro & Sergio Delgado), Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo.
BUTLER, Judith (2001) Mecanismos psíquicos del poder, Madrid: Cátedra.
CORTÉS, José Miguel G., Ed. (2001) Héroes caídos: Masculinidad y representación, Castelló: Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló.
DE DIEGO, Estrella (2001) No soy yo: Autobiografía, performance y los nuevos espectadores, Madrid: Siruela.
ECHEVARREN, Roberto (2007) Fuera de género: Criaturas de la invención erótica, Buenos Aires: Losada.
FERNÁNDEZ PORTA, Eloy (2008) Homo Sampler, Barcelona: Anagrama.
– (2010) €RO$, Barcelona: Anagrama.
– (2021) Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Barcelona: Anagrama.
FOSTER, Hal (2001) El retorno de lo real: La vanguardia a finales de siglo (trad. Alfredo Brotons Muñoz), Madrid: Akal.
GROYS, Boris (2005) Sobre lo nuevo, Valencia: Pre-Textos.
ILLOUZ, Eva (2007) Intimidades congeladas, Madrid: Katz.
MARTÍNEZ COLLADO, Ana (2008) Tendenci@s: perspectivas feministas en el arte actual, Murcia: CENDEAC.
HERNÁNDEZ-NAVARRO, Miguel Ángel, Ed. (2017) Contratiempos, Murcia: CENDEAC.
LEOPARDI, Giacomo (2013) Diálogo de la moda y la muerte, Madrid: Taurus.
LYOTARD, Jean-François (1998) Lo inhumano: Charlas sobre el tiempo, Manantial: Buenos Aires.
MORENO, María (1998) El fin del sexo y otras mentiras, Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.
OLIVARES, Rosa (2012) Palabra de artista: 30 entrevistas con artistas españoles (2 Vols.), Madrid: Exit Libris
PERAN, Martí, Ed. (2015) After Lansdcape: Ciutats copiades, Barcelona: Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani.
RAMÍREZ, Juan Antonio y Jesús CARRILLO CASTILLO, Eds. (2004) Tendencias del arte, arte de tendencias a principios del siglo XXI, Madrid: Cátedra.
RUSS, Joanna (2020) Cómo acabar con la escritura de las mujeres, Madrid: Dos bigotes.
SIMMEL, Georg (2018) Filosofía de la moda, Madrid: Casimiro.
SALÓ, Montserrat (2011) Mi museo (ed. Mireia C. Saladrigues), Barcelona: Fundació Miró.
PAJAK, FRÉDÉRIC (2021) La muerte de Walter Benjamin y la jaula de Ezra Pound (Manifiesto Incierto, 3), Madrid: Errata Naturae.
PERNIOLA, Mario (2008) Del sentir, Madrid: Pre-Textos.
SPERANZA, Graciela (2018) Cronografías, Barcelona: Anagrama.
ZELIZER, Viviana (2005) The Purchase of Intimacy, Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Section 2
ALIAGA, Juan Vicente (2008) Orden fálico, Madrid: Akal.
BOCCIONI, Umberto (2004) Estética y arte futuristas, Barcelona: Acantilado.
BOURRIAUD, Nicolas (2006) Estética relacional (trad. Cecilia Beceyro & Sergio Delgado), Buenos Aires: Adriana Hidalgo.
BUTLER, Judith (2001) Mecanismos psíquicos del poder, Madrid: Cátedra.
CORTÉS, José Miguel G., Ed. (2001) Héroes caídos: Masculinidad y representación, Castelló: Espai d’Art Contemporani de Castelló.
DE DIEGO, Estrella (2001) No soy yo: Autobiografía, performance y los nuevos espectadores, Madrid: Siruela.
ECHEVARREN, Roberto (2007) Fuera de género: Criaturas de la invención erótica, Buenos Aires: Losada.
FERNÁNDEZ PORTA, Eloy (2008) Homo Sampler, Barcelona: Anagrama.
– (2010) €RO$, Barcelona: Anagrama.
– (2021) Las aventuras de Genitalia y Normativa, Barcelona: Anagrama.
FOSTER, Hal (2001) El retorno de lo real: La vanguardia a finales de siglo (trad. Alfredo Brotons Muñoz), Madrid: Akal.
GROYS, Boris (2005) Sobre lo nuevo, Valencia: Pre-Textos.
ILLOUZ, Eva (2007) Intimidades congeladas, Madrid: Katz.
MARTÍNEZ COLLADO, Ana (2008) Tendenci@s: perspectivas feministas en el arte actual, Murcia: CENDEAC.
HERNÁNDEZ-NAVARRO, Miguel Ángel, Ed. (2017) Contratiempos, Murcia: CENDEAC.
LEOPARDI, Giacomo (2013) Diálogo de la moda y la muerte, Madrid: Taurus.
LYOTARD, Jean-François (1998) Lo inhumano: Charlas sobre el tiempo, Manantial: Buenos Aires.
MORENO, María (1998) El fin del sexo y otras mentiras, Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.
OLIVARES, Rosa (2012) Palabra de artista: 30 entrevistas con artistas españoles (2 Vols.), Madrid: Exit Libris
PERAN, Martí, Ed. (2015) After Lansdcape: Ciutats copiades, Barcelona: Fabra i Coats Centre d’Art Contemporani.
RAMÍREZ, Juan Antonio y Jesús CARRILLO CASTILLO, Eds. (2004) Tendencias del arte, arte de tendencias a principios del siglo XXI, Madrid: Cátedra.
RUSS, Joanna (2020) Cómo acabar con la escritura de las mujeres, Madrid: Dos bigotes.
SIMMEL, Georg (2018) Filosofía de la moda, Madrid: Casimiro.
SALÓ, Montserrat (2011) Mi museo (ed. Mireia C. Saladrigues), Barcelona: Fundació Miró.
PAJAK, FRÉDÉRIC (2021) La muerte de Walter Benjamin y la jaula de Ezra Pound (Manifiesto Incierto, 3), Madrid: Errata Naturae.
PERNIOLA, Mario (2008) Del sentir, Madrid: Pre-Textos.
SPERANZA, Graciela (2018) Cronografías, Barcelona: Anagrama.
ZELIZER, Viviana (2005) The Purchase of Intimacy, Princeton: Princeton University Press.