Analogue Experimentation Laboratory course is born

ESCAC and Crater create a new space to experiment with negative and analogue film.
27.03.19 - Education,

ESCAC and Crater have created the Analogue Experimentation Lab, a new space in the school that will allow students of all courses to experiment with negative and analogue film.

The ESCAC has welcomed the experimental analogue film laboratory Crater-Lab, thus opening its doors to a series of collaborations, starting with the birth of the first course dedicated to analogue film experimentation (filming, manual development, plastic intervention of celluloid and 16mm projection).

Previously located in Barcelona, Crater-Lab is a collective project dedicated to the creation of a type of artisanal, independent and free cinema, which has been focusing its activities on the creation of a plural space for the production, training and dissemination of cinematographic pieces in analogue/argentic formats.

From now on, the laboratory is located in the ESCAC facilities and hopes to be a new space that allows students from all courses to experiment with analogue film.

The first to take advantage of this experience were the 60 students on the Foundation pre-university course, who spent three weeks shooting and developing 16mm film, ending with a public performance of expanded cinema.

ESCAC has been committed for years to using celluloid as an essential part of the learning process for all our students, in the firm conviction that this practice provides a fundamental tool for the planning and mental visualisation of a lighting scheme. The fact of not relying on the monitoring tools provided by digital cameras enhances the student’s visual learning, marking them definitively by providing them with a uniquely rich method. These procedures, implemented in our school since its beginnings and which have trained several generations of prestigious technicians, teach the student to be guided by his gaze, to trust himself through the confidence he has acquired and to follow – in short – his own instinct.

