Ninth edition of the Inexperto Awards

The Inexperto Awards allow the whole ESCAC community to see the work done by the first, second and third year students and to reward the best of each year.
22.06.18 - School,Education,

The Inexperto Awards are held every year at ESCAC to show and evaluate the short films made by first, second and third year undergraduate students.

The short films are selected and voted on by the students themselves.

Winners of the Inexperto Awards 2018:

First year:

  • Best Non-Fiction Short Film: Baso Herria, Ekain Albite and Eduardo Valencia.
  • Best Fiction Short Film: Hija del Corazón, Celeste Barria.

Second year:

  • Best Non-Fiction Short Film: Yo… Ya no sé qué hacer, Eduardo González i Clàudia Romeu.
  • Best Fiction Short Film: Requiem, Lucas Parra.

Third year:

  • Best Fiction Short Film: Batiscafo, Fabio Pereztol.
  • Best Non-Fiction Short Film: Llar de pau, Mariona Serra.
