Screenwriting (Bachelor’s Degree in Filmmaking)

Learning outcomes Thematic blocks Methodology and training activities Accredited assessment of learning Sources of basic information Back to the Bachelor
Program details
Subject: Screenwriting
Code: 366987
Credits: 6
On-site activities: 50 hours
Directed work: 50 hours
Self-employed work: 50 hours

Learning outcomes

Devise, develop and write scripts for audiovisual works of different characteristics, formats and genres.

Thematic blocks

1. The basis of dramaturgy: human attention and conflict.

2. The causal argument: main character – target – obstacles.

    • Act 1 – Act 2 – Act 3
    • Unity of action and causality
    • Type of turns
    • Crescendo of obstacles: how to create it and how to get out of it

3. Information management: dramatic irony / mystery / surprised.

4. Information seeding: main functions.

5. Other arguments:

    • Process towards intimacy
    • Process towards separation
    • Meandering
    • Descriptive

Methodology and training activities

Training activities:

  1. Face-to-face theory classes
  2. Tutored work
  3. Independent work

Teaching methodologies:

  1. Lectures: presentation of the contents of the subject by the teaching staff.
  2. Practical exercises: formulation, analysis, resolution or debate of a problem related to the subject of the course, with the aim of learning through the practice of programmed knowledge or skills.

Accredited assessment of learning

Writing exercises

Sources of basic information

ARISTÒTIL (1998). Retòrica. Poètica. Barcelona: Edicions 62.   

BENTLEY, E. La vida del drama. Barcelona: Paidós, 1981  

CHION, MICHEL (1989). Cómo se escribe un guion. Madrid: Cátedra.  (Ecrire un scénario. Cahiers du Cinéma, Paris, 1985).  

FIELD, SYD (1995). El manual del guionista. Madrid: Plot Ediciones. (The Screenwriter’s Workbook. Bantam Dell, Nova York, 1984).  

LAVANDIER, I (2001). La dramaturgia. Barcelona: Alba Editorial. (La dramaturgie. Le clown et l’enfant, Paris, 1994).  

MCKEE, ROBERT (2002). El guion. Sustancia, estructura, estilo y principios de la escritura de guiones. Barcelona: Alba Editorial.  (Story: Substance, Structure, Style and Principles of Screenwriting. Regan Books, Nova York, 1997). 

PARENT ALTIER, DOMINIQUE (2005). Sobre el guión. Buenos Aires: La marca editora. (Approche du scénario, Nathan, Paris, 1997).  

SÁNCHEZ ESCALONILLA, ANTONIO (2001). Estrategias de guion cinematográfico. Barcelona: Ariel. 

SEGER, LINDA (2007). Cómo convertir un buen guion en un guion excelente. Madrid: Rialp. (Making a Good Script Great. Dodd, Mead & Company inc, Nova York, 1987).  

VOGLER, CHRISTOPHER (1992). The Writer’s Journey. Studio City: Michael Wiese Productions. 

VORHAUS, JOHN (2005). Cómo orquestar una comedia. Barcelona: Alba editorial. (The Comic Toolbox. Silman-James Press, Los Angeles, 1994). 

