Education / Master's Degree
Education / Master's Degree

Master in Photography Direction

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Master in Photography Direction

Presentation Objectives and Skills Target Audience Admission requirements Itinerary Syllabus Apply Now
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Program details
Degree: Master's Degree in Photography Direction
Modality: On-site, face-to-face sessions
Dates: September 2025
Credits: 60
Language: Spanish
Master's Director: Jordi Bransuela
Master's Coordinator: Jordi Bransuela


The Master’s Degree in Photography Direction will train you to be the professional responsible for the artistic creation of images for the staging of film, television and audiovisual productions. To carry out this task, the director of photography will make decisions regarding lighting, optics, framing and composition or textures with the clear objective of collaborating in the creation of the image of the audiovisual work.

In the last ten years, the direction of photography has undergone the biggest technological revolution in its history. The transition from photochemical to digital technology has been a huge challenge for many professionals and has taken them into a new universe of possibilities in which it is easy to fall behind or simply never understand.

There are very few schools left in the world that still use the negative as an essential part of a cinematographer’s learning phase. At ESCAC we believe that the use of the negative provides the student with a fundamental learning tool for the mental visualisation of a lighting scheme. The fact that it does not rely on the monitoring tools provided by digital cameras enhances the student’s visual learning and marks it definitively, giving it a unique method.

This method, implemented in our school since its beginnings and which has trained several generations of prestigious technicians, teaches students to be guided by their own eyes, to trust themselves through the confidence they have acquired and, in short, to follow their own instinct.

Objectives and Skills

At the end of the Master’s Degree, the student will be able to:

  • Design the style and visual approach to the project and achieve the desired aesthetic.
  • Design lighting that reinforces the script in a narrative and dramatic way for each set/location.
  • Monitor the overall picture of the scene.
  • Research and develop conceptual designs and reach an aesthetic consensus with the rest of the departments.
  • Be able to take responsibility for the artistic creation of images for the staging of any audiovisual work.
  • Be able to lead a team and make the right technical and aesthetic decisions in a real shooting environment.
  • Acquire the appropriate technical knowledge to be able to tackle any project and with the necessary confidence that a team leader must show.
  • Knowing the tools and procedures of today’s film industry.

Target Audience

Graduates and graduates in Audiovisual Communication, Fine Arts or other university-level qualifications related to the audiovisual field who can accredit their experience in the medium by means of a reel.

Students from film schools or artistic disciplines.

Students with a Higher Degree in audiovisual projects and shows or equivalent.

Professionals who can prove their experience in the audiovisual sector and want to switch or update their discipline.

Professionals in the film or audiovisual sector who wish to gain more in-depth knowledge of cinematographic photography direction.

Admission requirements

It is necessary to have experience as a director of photography to be able to access this Master’s Degree. Applicants can prove their experience by means of a reel, portfolio, personal websites or any other means that can be used to show the previous work they have done. If you do not have this material, we recommend that you opt for other photography courses at the school.

To apply for the Master’s Degree, the applicant must submit:

  • a reel as a director of photography
  • a videopitch of maximum three minutes
  • a statment of 600 words
  • a CV

It is only possible to apply for this Master’s degree in these three periods:

  • first call: 1 to 15 November 2024
  • second call: 1 to 15 February 2025 (subject to availability of places)
  • third call: 1 to 15 May 2025 (subject to availability of places)

Applicants who need a student visa are advised to apply in November or February.


There are two levels of access to postgraduate training in Photography Direction at ESCAC: the Master’s Degree and the Postgraduate Degree. The two proposals are complementary but independent and can be taken separately without having to take both.

Only in the case of not being able to access directly to the Master’s Degree in Photography Direction will it be necessary to take the Postgraduate in Photography Direction beforehand, but it may be the case of students who only do the Master’s Degree or students who only do the Postgraduate, depending on the training needs of each student.


Title of studies: Specific Master’s Degree in Photography Direction

Minimum length of studies and credits: One academic year and 60 credits

Syllabus Master’s Degree in Photography Direction

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