
David Moreno / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film

Unday was that day that should never have come to pass between a father and his son, that day when both of them left behind their love and compassion for the sake of their own gain and their own happiness. The day that a father forgot that he was a father and a son began to forget his father. The day that all of the grudges, fears and truths came to light when there was nothing left to lose. After that day nothing would ever be the same again.

Créditos Premios
Unday David Moreno · 2007 / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film Créditos Screenplay David Moreno Production Marta Pelegrín Cinematography Oriol Inglada Production Design Laia Ateca Editing Alan Hernandez Sound Design Marc Muntañés Music David Moreno Cast Edgar Blanco, Javier Batanero
Unday David Moreno · 2007 / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film Premios XI Festival de Cine Español de Málaga Biznaga de Plata to the best actor II Festival de Cortometraje San Martin de la Vega Best Fiction short
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