High demand for ESCAC’s new Degree in Cinematography

The official ESCAC degree is the most sought-after of all the 180-credit degrees on offer.
24.07.18 - School,Education,

The new Official Degree in Cinematography of the ESCAC and the University of Barcelona has been the 180-credit degree with the highest number of first preference applications (161) in the university pre-registration for the 2018-2019 academic year.

The second, Global Studies at the UPF, received 154 and the third, Gender Studies at the UAB, 132. In the overall list of most requested studies, the ESCAC degree was ranked 72nd.

Until the 2017-2018 academic year, ESCAC had offered the 240-credit Bachelor’s Degree in Film and Audiovisual Media, with 131 applications in the last academic year and ranking 104th in the list of the most popular first-choice courses.

The increase in demand has meant that the cut-off mark has risen from 7.333 last year to 9.264 in the pre-registration for the 2018-2019 academic year.


