Mi Rosita

Àngels Diemand-Hartz / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film

This is a story about elderly people: Rosita wants to go away with Salustiano, but he doesn’t want to get out of his comfortable armchair. What will Rosita do to get Salustiano out of the house? What plan will she think up with her friends from de woman´s club? And how will they use Manolo, the man form the corner shop?

Créditos Premios
Mi Rosita Àngels Diemand-Hartz · 1999 / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film Créditos Screenplay Lluís Vega, Àngels Diemand-Hartz Production Dario Quiroga, Sergi Balastegui Cinematography Patricia Hurtado Production Design Dídac Bono Editing Muntsa Junza Sound Design Quico Sánchez Make up Marta Oliveras Hairdressing Africa Jimenez Cast Carlos Lucas, Nadala Batiste, Txema Blasco
Mi Rosita Àngels Diemand-Hartz · 1999 / Drama / Final Degree Project / Short Film Premios XIII Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo Second Award II Festival Internacional de Cine de Vitoria First Award
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