CINE BASE, the new bet of the Atlántida Film Fest

The festival creates a space to find ways to introduce audiovisuals into the classroom.
08.05.18 - Cine Base,

The eighth edition of the Atlántida Film Fest, the Filmin festival, will incorporate this year the ATLANTIDA CINE BASE space with the aim of finding ways to introduce audiovisuals in classrooms.

CINE BASE, an ESCAC project, helps secondary school teachers to develop skills for teaching through audiovisuals. The project is carried out through different intensive courses and workshops on narrative construction, editing and photography; a manual on narrative and assistance in the classroom for secondary school teachers and centres. As part of the festival’s activities in Palma de Mallorca, a CINE BASE workshop will be held from 25 to 29 June, in the mornings and afternoons. This course has a cost of 60€, 100% financed by the Atlantida Film Fest and Cine Base, at zero cost for the participant. Limited places and previous booking here.

The festival, directed by ESCAC graduate and Filmin co-founder Jaume Ripoll, will be held this year in Palma from 25 June to 1 July and in Filmin from 25 June to 25 July.


