EL PORVENIR wins the award for Best Short Film at SEMINCI

The Final Degree Project EL PORVENIR, by Santiago Ráfales, wins the SEMINCI's Spanish Short Film Night Award.
02.11.22 - Escac Films,

The Final Degree short film L’AVENIR ( EL PORVENIR), directed by Santiago Ráfales, was presented in the section La noche del corto español of the 67th edition of the SEMINCI, which this year has been held from 22nd to 29th October 2022.

Congratulations to the whole team for this award!

The Final Degree (TFG) and Master’s Degree (TFM) are the short films with which ESCAC students graduate. They are produced by Escac Films and have a technical team trained entirely at ESCAC.


Biel and Sara are 10 years old and are enjoying the last few days of summer. However, everything changes when in a game their friendship is put to the test. The world that Biel thought he had under control will break and from this moment on, he will no longer know what to think or feel.

