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Education / Postgraduate courses

Postgraduate course in Film Business

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Postgraduate course in Film Business

Presentation Objectives and Skills Target Audience Admission requirements Itinerary Syllabus Download the syllabus Apply Now
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Program details
Degree: Postgraduate Degree in Film Business
Modality: On-site, face-to-face sessions
Dates 22-23: January 2023
Dates 23-24: January 2024
Credits: 30
Language: Spanish
Postgraduate Directors: Eneko Gutiérrez, Carlota Caso
Postgraduate Coordinator: Sílvia Calabuig


The Postgraduate in Film Business offers the theoretical and technical knowledge of marketing, distribution, exploitation and sales of film products, training the student for the complete executive production of an audiovisual product, from the identification of the first idea to the last window of exploitation.

The audiovisual world is immersed in a complete and constant transformation, with increasingly competitive international markets. For this reason, content plays a decisive role in the creation of projects, but it must be conceived as a product from the very first idea. Nowadays, it is essential to think from the first phase of development which communication and promotion strategies are the most appropriate for each project, as well as the festival circuit. All these strategic elements must be dealt with in harmony with the concept of the film: the plot, the cast, the script development and the financing.

The objective is to create a product designed as such from its genesis to the sales phase, with structural logic, differential value and a suitable market adjusted to its expectations.

This course delves into the theoretical and technical aspects of film production, enabling the student to successfully manage the Executive Production of a feature film or series, whether fiction or non-fiction, from the conception of the script to the final master copy, which allows us from that moment to exploit the product, exhibiting it in the different windows of exploitation.

The best professionals in the sector will teach you how to use the tools and instruments for decision making, objectives, definition of strategies as well as planning and coordination of actions.

The students will also have the opportunity to participate in the organisation of the Proyecta Conference, a series of activities focused on that part of the film and series industry that is usually invisible to the general public but which is essential: distributors, exhibitors, marketing agencies…

The Proyecta were promoted by ESCAC’s Film Business Department in 2013 and already in the first edition they gained the support of a large part of the country’s industry.

Objectives and Skills

  • Students acquire a deep and specific knowledge of the fundamentals of marketing as a language and discipline applied to the sector of production and exploitation of audiovisual content.
  • That the student learns to use both traditional tools and the most contemporary and future marketing tools, and is able to apply them to the production process of a content of any format, always in accordance with the genesis of the product, knowing how to determine the dimension of this in the market that has been set as the ‘target market’.
  • That the student knows the internal processes involved in the exploitation phase of the product and how they will directly affect him/her as a future executive producer of contents.
  • The learner is confronted with knowing
    • how to plan the sales of their product and with which partners to do so,
    • how to carry out a study of the environment (market research at macro and micro-economic scales),
    • how to find potential customers,
    • what sales techniques exist and how to apply them to achieve previously determined objectives (at quantitative and qualitative scales),
    • what management and controlling tools exist and how to use them, as well as understanding what advantages they bring to the process,
    • what types of contracts exist and how each modality affects the producer (and other actors in the chain) in economic terms and in terms of the timing of subsequent retribution on the work,
    • to know specifically and in depth the existing settlement processes and their modalities.
  • Acquire in-depth knowledge not only of the global fundamentals of the negotiation process, but also of the specifics at each stage of the production process.
  • In-depth knowledge of the mechanisms of exploitation windows and how these licences affect the life cycle of the product and, consequently, its producers.
  • To have first-hand knowledge of the qualitative circuits that exist (competitive festivals, specialised competitive festivals and non-competitive circuits) and to be able to develop strategies that make sense in accordance with the genesis of the product. Finally, to be familiar with the negotiation processes with these circuits.
  • To know, in global terms, the actors within the film chain, the industry, in short, as well as the specific role played by each one in relation to the production of contents.
  • To be able to develop a project from the germ of an idea, going through all the phases that make up the profile of the “development executive”, until reaching the process of exploitation of an audiovisual content.
  • To be able to develop a commercial strategy starting from a project and to plan (as well as implement) its subsequent launch strategy from the beginning.

Target Audience

University graduates in Business Administration and Management, Advertising and Public Relations, Law, Audiovisual Communication or other university degrees related to the audiovisual field.

Students from film schools or artistic disciplines.

Students with a Higher Degree in audiovisual projects and shows or equivalent.

Professionals with proven experience in the audiovisual sector who wish to switch or update their discipline.

Professionals in the film or video sector who wish to gain in-depth knowledge of the creation and exploitation of audiovisual products.

Admission requirements

To access the Postgraduate course, the applicant must present:

  • CV
  • Motivational statement
  • Video pitch


The Postgraduate in Film Business is part of the Production itinerary. If you also take the Postgraduate Course in Line Producing, you will obtain the Master’s Degree in Production, with 60 credits.


Title of Degree: Specific Postgraduate Degree in Film Business

Minimum duration of studies and credits: One academic semester and 30 credits

Syllabus Postgraduate Degree in Film Business

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