ESCAC talent fills the new edition of D’A Film Fest

The Talents, Transitions and Collective Impulse sections are filled with ESCAC talent.
08.04.19 - Escac talent,

The new edition of the D’A Film Festival, to be held in Barcelona from 25 April to 5 May, is packed with ESCAC talent in all its sections.

In the Talents section, the festival’s competitive section with films by directors with a maximum of two feature films in their filmography, Ojos negros will be presented, with graduates Andrés Mellinas as executive producer and Anna Moragriega as production manager, Víctor Xavier Monzó as editor and Eloy Rodríguez de la Rosa and Roger Navarro as sound designers. The film won the Silver Biznaga for Best Spanish Film from ZonaZine at the last Malaga Film Festival.

In the Transitions section, which showcases some of the best films of the moment, with titles that have aroused the curiosity and interest of critics and cinephiles around the world, you can see Tarde para morir joven, by Master in Directing alumni Dominga Sotomayor. The film won the Golden Leopard for Best Director at the Locarno Film Festival, as well as Best Director and Best Cinematography at the Gijón Film Festival.

In Collective Impulse, a section dedicated to productions far from industry standards and directors who produce their films more independently, two short films produced by the school, Adalamadrina by Carlota Oms and Te busco en todos by Celia Giraldo, will take part. In addition, the feature film Ari y Yonay pasan el rato, by graduate Ariadna Onofri; and the short films Corre brilla luz luz by graduate Miguel Angel Blanca, a regular at the festival and in this section, and Grbavica, by graduate Manel Raga, will also be screened.

