Fourteen graduates nominated at the Gaudí Awards

11 productions with Escac talent are competing for a total of 18 nominations at the 12th edition of the Catalan Film Academy's Gaudí Awards.

The nominees for the XII edition of the Gaudí Awards awarded by the Acadèmia del Cinema Català have been announced. The winners will be announced at the gala to be held on January 19, 2020.

Out of a total of 53 productions aspiring to be nominated in 21 categories, 14 graduates have been nominated in a total of 11 productions with Escac talent, with a total of 18 nominations in 11 different categories.

The Escac talent productions nominated are:

La hija de un ladrón (13) Belén Funes nominated for Best Direction, Belén Funes and Marçal Cebrián nominated for Best Screenplay, Neus Ollé nominated for Best Cinematography, Enrique G. Bermejo and Sergio Rueda nominated for Best Sound.

  • La hija de un ladrón (13) Belén Funes nominated for Best Direction, Belén Funes and Marçal Cebrián nominated for Best Screenplay, Neus Ollé nominated for Best Cinematography, Enrique G. Bermejo and Sergio Rueda nominated for Best Sound.
  • La inocencia (7) Lucía Alemany nominated for Best Direction, Lucía Alemany and Laia Soler nominated for Best Screenplay.
  • Els dies que vindran (10) Ana Pfaff nominated for Best Editing.
  • Elisa y Marcela (4 nominations). Sylvia Steinbrecht nominated for Best Art Direction.
  • A quién a hierro mata (4) Oriol Maymó nominated for Best Production Direction.
  • 7 raons per fugir (3), Aritz Cirbián nominated for Best Production Direction.
  • Ojos negros (2)
  • La filla d’algú (1) Aina Clotet nominated for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
  • La vida sense la Sara Amat (1) Gris Jordana nominated for Best Cinematography.
  • Tahrib (1) nominated for Best Short Film.
  • Paradise Hills (1) Alex Villagrasa nominated for Best Special Effects.

Best film:

7 raons per fugir, produced by Aritz Cirbian, Xavi Toll as delegated producer, Anaïs Urraca in editing and Laia Casanovas in sound.
La inocència, directed by Lucía Alemany, co-written with Laia Soler and with Joan Bordera as DoP.
Els dies que vindrán, with Ana Pfaff on editing.

Best non-Catalan language film:

La hija de un ladrón, directed by Belén Funes, co-written by Marçal Cebrián, with Neus Ollé as DoP, Enrique G. Bermejo and Sergio Rueda on sound.
Ojos negros, with Andrés Mellinas as executive producer, Ana Moragriega as production manager, Víctor Xavier Monzó as editor and Eloy Rodríguez de la Rosa and Roger Navarro as sound designers.

Best Direction:

Belén Funes for La hija de un ladrón
Lucía Alemany for La inocencia

Best Screenplay:

Belén Funes and Marçal Cebrián for La hija de un ladrón
Lucía Alemany and Laia Soler for La inocencia

Best short film:

Tahrib, by Gerard Vidal Cortés and with a technical team made up of graduates from the school. Final year short film produced by Escac Films.

Best Visual Effects:

Alex Villagrasa for Paradise Hills

Best Art Direction:

Sylvia Steinbrecht for Elisa y Marcela

Best Editing:

Ana Pfaff for Els dies que vindran

Best cinematrography:

Gris Jordana for La vida sense la Sara Amat
Neus Ollé for La hija de un ladrón

Best Production Direction:

Aritz Cirbián for 7 raons per fugir
Oriol Maymó for A quién a hierro mata

Best Sound:

Enrique G. Bermejo and Sergio Rueda for La hija de un ladrón


Special mention for the film La filla d’algú, a feature film made by the 20th ESCAC graduating class, which won the nomination for Best Actress in a Leading Role for Aina Clotet.

ESCAC graduates have won a total of 37 Gaudí Awards to date.

